SinParty Spotlight: Mars

SinParty Spotlight: Mars

Written by Mars

What two or three things are most important to you in your job?

My fans and I’m always enjoying filming

What do you think is the biggest misconception about this industry?

That shooting porn is drugs or alcohol. it is strictly forbidden to be drunk or drugged on the set – you will be kicked out and banned.

Where do you hope to see yourself in ten years?

I want to create my own studio, shoot new talents and become a famous producer.

How do you determine or measure success?

In 5 years of working in the industry, I’ve only had 1 hater.

What is the silliest moment you’ve ever had on a live cam or piece of content you’ve created?

This did not happen – I try to be very responsible on the set.

What do you like to do for fun and enrichment when you aren’t working?

I live in Barcelona and it is a beautiful city next to the sea. In winter we walk a lot with friends and in summer we spend a lot of time on the beach.

How do you balance your work and personal life to avoid burnout? And if you’ve experienced burnout in this industry what steps did you take to combat it?

I love my job and I haven’t had any burnout periods. This is not an office job – it’s always something new and interesting. Meeting new people, creating ideas for my videos and I love editing.

What piece of advice can you give to someone who is just beginning their journey in the adult industry/on SinParty?

Everyone is sexy in their own way. Show your sexuality to this world – just be yourself and don’t make up images for yourself.

If you had to live your life over again, is there anything you would change?

I would never make the mistakes that led to a breakup with the love of my life. It’s been 3 years since then, but I still love him, but unfortunately we don’t communicate.

What do you consider to be your greatest strength?

My love for life and respect for people

What major problems have you encountered in this industry and what lessons have you learnt from them?

I work with wonderful and talented guys and I haven’t had any serious problems in 5 years.

What personal characteristics do you think are necessary for succeeding in this industry?

If you decide to start working in the industry, you must be 100% sure of your desire.

If you could be any fruit, what would it be and why?

An orange is useful. I like to be useful to my family and colleagues.

How do you find inspiration for your creative process? 

I often watch a lot of videos – just to study 😉 and I am inspired by interesting ideas.

Did you have a role model growing up and are they still your role model?

Brent Corrigan! 20 years ago, I did the same tattoo as his – a blue star on ass.

How did you get into adult content/live camming?

That was 5 years ago. I had money problems and was looking for a new job for a long time. And one day we were relaxing with friends in a nightclub and one guy came up to me and said that I was very sexy and looked like a porn star and then the idea came into my head to come into the adult industry and I started working on it – it wasn’t easy because then I lived in Russia where porn is prohibited.

What motivates you to put forth your best?

Good feedback from my fans. I start every morning with coffee and respond to messages (only for adequate and respectful ones) for 1-2 hours 😉 and comments on social networks.

How do you think a friend would describe you?

In life, I am a fairly modest and calm guy.

What are you excited about?

When my new video gets millions of views

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?

My grandmother raised me in St. Petersburg because my parents were not interested in me – I never saw my father, and my mother drank a lot of alcohol at that time and constantly lived with different men, but not with us. At the age of 13, I already had my first job for 3-4 hours. at the age of 18, I started an independent life by moving to Moscow, 4 years ago I left Russia and now am creating my new life in Spain from zero.

What was the last film, book, podcast that is industry related you consumed and what were your thoughts on it and how the overall industry and sexwork was portrayed? 

Aroused (2013). A documentary that captures the making of a fine art photographic book featuring 16 of the world’s most successful adult film stars. I saw models there with a similar life story to mine.

If you identify as a sexworker, what does being a sexworker mean to you?

Sex work – it’s work! That’s all.

What does your aftercare and post filming/live streaming routine look like?

Nothing special – I’m waiting for the result of my work at the studio or I’m working on a movie and a promo that I shot for fan sites.

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