Why Do Men Like Big Boobs?
Breasts, boobs, tits, fun bags, jugs, knockers. We’ve got a lot of words for fat filled mammary glands on a woman’s chest. Whilst they come in all shapes and sizes, there’s a cultural idea that men are attracted to big breasts, but is this true?
There are definitely some men who like big boobs, otherwise it wouldn’t be a cultural idea. It’s not all of them, though, with categories for “small tits” being very popular on porn sites like SinParty.
We should note – there is no one perfect size for your breasts. We’re in no way encouraging women to change their appearance based in what men think. For women, it’s about being comfortable in your skin no matter what anyone else thinks.

Science has delved into the question of whether men are attached to big breasts, and we’ve got the answers right here for you. These are only average opinions and there is a partner for every chest size. Here are the five reasons why me like big boobs.
1. They’re hungry
Could the reason some men go for women with voluptuous cups be down to their subconscious memories of breastfeeding? Is it because of base instincts that say a fuller-cupped woman has more fat stores and can take care of themselves, and therefore the man?
These are deep philosophical questions that people a damn sight smarter than us can’t get to the bottom of. Links between big boobs and food are clear so it would seem to make sense.
What does the science say on the subject?
A study was done in the UK that looked at this idea. As men who are attracted to women entered a dining hall at a British university, they were asked to rate cartoon images of women on attractiveness, with each image having different sized breasts.
Turns out, the guys looking before they had food were more attracted to big tits, whilst those who had finished eating already went for smaller ones.
2. They’re poor
It may not be as intuitive as hunger, but where someone sits in the socioeconomic rankings seems to dictate the size of boobs a man is into. Basically, depending on whether you’re rich or poor suggests the size of fun bags you’ll be into.
Could the rationale for this be the same as with hunger? A woman with a good rack is able to look after herself in our animalistic brains, maybe.
Again, science has come up with an answer to this very question. It was actually the same scientists who did the hunger study who researched about wealth and boobs.
This time, they went to Malaysia. The test was broadly similar – give men images of women with differently-sized jugs and get them to rate their attractiveness. Rather than looking at whether the men had eaten, they looked at their income levels, this time.
Men who sit at the lower end of the economy tend to prefer women with bigger boobs. The richest in a society go for smaller ones, and middle income people, you guessed it, go for medium-sized boobs.
3. They want kids
Clearly, breasts are about child-rearing. Their primary function has been to produce milk to feed offspring for millennia.
Women who have bigger boobs have higher levels of the hormone estradiol, one of the important hormones in the reproductive system. Has evolution somehow figured out this connection and wired men’s brains to spot this?
Who knows what evolution wants to achieve – have you seen platypuses? What we can do is look at what some scientific research has told us on the matter.
A study was done where men were questioned on their intention or desire to have children at some point in the near future. In what sounds like a rather fun task for the 67 men that took part, they were given images of women with a slider that was able to manipulate breasts, waist, and hips on the images.
As you might somewhat expect, men who weren’t interested in procreation too soon were into women with small boobs. Men who were keen to start pumping out the babies with a partner went for the more buxom ladies.
4. They’re from a culture that likes big breasts
You’d be forgiven for thinking that the predilection for large boobs is a human thing, or at least a male human thing. It’s so deeply ingrained in our culture that you probably haven’t given it much consideration.
Well, time to blow your mind with this one – there are only thirteen cultures in the world that associate boobs with sexual attractiveness. Out of these thirteen cultures, nine of them had a preference for larger boobs.
Diving deeper into the study that discovered this; there are thirteen cultures that stimulate breasts during sex. Would you believe that it’s not the same thirteen cultures? Only three sit in the box of cultures that think boobs are sexy and play with them during sex.
5. They’re human
Anthropologists study culture and society and look at why human do the things we do. There are lots of theories that they’ve come up with that suggest there is something in our nature that makes men attracted to big breasts.
One idea says that it comes down to use being one of the only mammals that have sex face to face. When boobs are stimulated during breastfeeding, the happy hormone oxytocin is released to encourage bonding between mom and child.
Since humans are generally monogamous, could men playing with nipples during foreplay and face to face sex encourage pair bonding in a similar way? There’s probably no way to actually test it, but it’s a nice idea.
Why are men attracted to big breasts?
On average, men actually tend to go for medium-sized boobs. It’s still the big ones that get all the attention though. Scientists haven’t yet come up with a convincing answer on the question and it seems to be something that’s deep inside our psyche or our culture – maybe both.
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