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SEXUAL REHABILITATION & Sexual Compatibility
Wynter Heat represents balance of sexuality and sensuality. The embodiment of balance between those two descriptions is just the beginning of my sole purpose for choosing to be an adult entertainer and an active sex worker. This is not an autobiography however this is a mini bio in order to give a snapshot version of who I am and what I have to offer you. I’ve been a licensed professional massage therapist since 2007, upon which my healthy healing journey has been successful, fulfilling and life-changing. Always being curious about all sexual aspects of life has definitely let me down this road and marrying at 24 years old into a low/no sex marriage definitely catapulted me just that much more into this lane of sexual curiosity and sensual satisfaction.
Since my marriage I’ve had three serious yet unique relationships (a woman and two men) that taught me different aspects of my sex life but the cool part is they were all captured via video and photographs that allowed me to study after the fact and learn more about what I want in life and what my clientele/Fanbase want or expect from me also. Being in this industry since 2014, believe it or not I’m actually just now getting to the point of craving to satisfy others sexually, because the dragon in me has awakened and I feel like I have the sex drive of a teenage boy in puberty.
I spent a lot of my time trying to convince people that they don’t need other people to experience an orgasm not realizing that I would have to show them in order for them to receive that information. While trying to figure that out in the meantime I began a journey with what is called a twin flame. Considering the fact that this is the place where you are wanting to cum and consume my solo content and boy/girl material, the best I have was created with him; or since him. After months of figuring out how I was going to share this content with you, “miraculously” this website contacted me on Twitter about starting an account here and the rest was history. I’ve only made b/g content with one male performer and one male lover. You can completely tell providing a scope of the difference and the first one was a contract of a relationship. The second one was a twin flame, some thing I will go into more depth about later but I’m excited to share this content with you because it has so much more insight to offer regarding sex and relationships, than it is just a video of watching me have sex.
Here you may order fully customized audio downloads, not to be confused with J. O. I. (jack off instructions) because the requests will be completed in the way of pre-and post nut clarity assisted meditation and orgasmic manifestation. By separating pictures and audio as well as offering video with audio is a part of what makes my content creatively unique, life-changing and sexually gratifying while educational simultaneously. I want you to walk away learning something and gaining something from your Wynter Heat experience other than just feeling as if you are wasting money on tricking off to jack off. There’s nothing wrong with tricking off or jacking off however I offer something much different than that. I provide options to discuss and or learn about the power of your semen, ejaculation and what is also referred to as life energy force. I am not a wasteful person and would not condone anyone in my circle to be wasteful either. The fact of the matter is when you experience an orgasm the sole purpose is for you to manifest a creation. Most people have that confused as in creating a child, however anything has a “child” phase to it without it having to be human.
What you can expect to receive by being a subscribed member and a part of the W.H.E.N. (Wynter Heat Entertainment Network) is customer service first and foremost. Also you will gain a complimentary membership to my connected interactive “CUMmunity” where I cover more educational properties and aspects of what I’ve learned, what I offer (services) and what the people want and need. Lately I have been experiencing quite a bit of ovulation and cumming large amounts at almost zero friction/penetration level. I feel for my massage clients that I drip on (though they love it) and apologize in advance if that will be you. 😉 I firmly believe if we “UNDO TABOO” and people would honestly connect sexually first…we will experience a better time creating a longer lasting, furthest from toxic and most beneficial relationship with others.
Here I will also begin to transfer all of my content (hundreds of videos and pictures) from my main paid VIP only fans account into this account. There will not be an exact upload schedule initially however my content should average out to be uploading at least three pieces of content to you per week as well as one mini meditation audio of the week and in combination with other pictures and videos. My content is all shot by me or my partner and edited by me also, plus guaranteed to be of the highest quality as always. There will be offerings of edited content and raw content. The edited content is more polished and the way I prefer to present it, however I do realize that a good deal of you prefer to have it unedited and raw as possible. The unedited will be more exclusive and expensive because to experience the edited out parts is fulfilling another level of intimacy craved of you to truly being a “fly on the wall”.
Essentially this place is the best of both OnlyFan’s combined because due to the interface I’m able to provide solo and b/g content in one place in combination with the weekly inclusive content PLUS bonus material available for sell at half the price of my VIP OF with the same customer service. I thank you for your patience and am proud to say… It will be worth every moment waited and every dollar spent.
Wynter Heat 💋
"Escape Reality, experience your fantasy!"™