SinParty Spotlight: Lizzieblue4u

SinParty Spotlight: Lizzieblue4u

Written by Lizzieblue4u and Todd

What two or three things are most important to you in your job?

For us the most important things we look for in a job is being valued, sharing of industry knowledge and an opportunity to grow and improve skills and talents.

What do you think is the biggest misconception about this industry?

We think the biggest misconception is that we are sex crazed, available to anyone to fuck, that any kink anyone has is something we owe them, that we are constantly having sex and are willing to have sex with anyone.

Where do you hope to see yourself in ten years?

In ten years we would see ourselves on a boat sailing the world but don’t worry with technology we still plan to broadcast and continue doing all we are currently doing now. Just doing it while exploring and sailing the world.

How do you determine or measure success?

For us the measure of success is overall genuine happiness, growth and meeting and exceeding our goals.

What is the silliest moment you’ve ever had on a live cam or piece of content you’ve created?

We had a very specific custom request that we did and we were given a “script” which we are not fans of because we are extremely real. And this script and details of the custom request were just very very very far out there.

What do you like to do for fun and enrichment when you aren’t working?

We love to spend time outdoors and spending quality time together. We also have many projects around our house that we are doing currently and absolutely can’t forget gardening. Also I may or may not have a video up with a little naked gardening wink wink.

How do you balance your work and personal life to avoid burnout? And if you’ve experienced burnout in this industry what steps did you take to combat it?

This is a job and we treat it like a job and no one works their job or jobs 24/7. Making a schedule helped tremendously even if we don’t follow the schedule 100%. And another for us as we are a couple we need to make sure we are enjoying our own intimacy with the camera off as well.

What piece of advice can you give to someone who is just beginning their journey in the adult industry/on SinParty?

Make sure you are having fun, stay true to yourself and explore yourself in a deeper level.

If you had to live your life over again, is there anything you would change?

Not sure we would do anything over but maybe live our lives over knowing what I know now and being the confidence I have now with me.

What do you consider to be your greatest strength?

We would say our greatest strength is having each other. We motivate each other, balance each other and most importantly we calm each other down.

What major problems have you encountered in this industry and what lessons have you learnt from them?

Because no one interviews people in this Industry it is a very diverse, eclectic group of co-workers. Everyone has different values and unfortunately some people gate keep information or are willing to act in their own interest to the detriment to others in the industry. We stay true to our values, share what information we have learned and cultivate strong relationships with others who share our same values.

What personal characteristics do you think are necessary for succeeding in this industry?

We would say having thick skin and not taking every comment to heart, pride yourself in self worth.

If you could be any fruit, what would it be and why?

A peach – they are juicy and sweet and wet and delicious very similar to ……. opps wrong question. A peach, definitely a peach.

How do you find inspiration for your creative process? 

Nothing beats just goofing around a bonfire and a delicious drink to get fun ideas going and also building off of other people’s ideas as well.

Did you have a role model growing up and are they still your role model?

Can’t say either of us did. We found ourselves admiring individuals that were strong and fought for everyone.

How did you get into adult content/live camming?

That was a long time ago. 10 years ago we heard about it and tried it, life then changed and we stopped. 3 years ago we got brought back to this amazing world as just an outlet for us and a source of income.

What motivates you to put forth your best?

Just interacting with our fans and followers and we love the interaction and the people and friends we have met along the way.

How do you think a friend would describe you?

Our friends would describe us as polar opposites Todd is the life of the party and will talk to anyone at any time. And Lizzie is the introvert more self contained person most of the time.

What are you excited about?

We are excited for where our lives are going as we said before we have our future plans on our horizon and each day we become closer and closer to achieving those goals.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Todd is a chef and I am a personal trainer. We have a family and live in the Chicago area. We are extremely active and social people.

What was the last film, book, podcast that is industry related you consumed and what were your thoughts on it and how the overall industry and sexwork was portrayed? 

The most recent we had seen that has surrounded the media a lot has been the hush money trial with stormy Daniel and we are extremely proud to see so many people standing up lately and acknowledging that sex work really is work and we are not just sex crazed people. And as far as movies go I think the last sex work themed movie I had seen was magic mike and that was a long time ago.

If you identify as a sexworker, what does being a sexworker mean to you?

It means to us that we are just regular people doing and living the life that so many dream of having and living.

What does your aftercare and post filming/live streaming routine look like?

We generally do a quick clean up of our equipment and then we jump in the shower together and then cuddle up in bed and chat and laugh about the day’s events.

To follow and see more of Lizzieblue4u:


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