SinParty Spotlight: DaniTheCutie

SinParty Spotlight: DaniTheCutie

Written by DaniTheCutie

What two or three things are most important to you in your job?

Content quality and consistency. Both are very difficult to achieve, but it’s something worth striving for. 🙂

What do you think is the biggest misconception about this industry?

People always think that “people who are in the Adult Industry are dirty, money grubbing individuals” which literally could not be farther from the truth. It’s not dirty; you and I wouldn’t be here unless your parents didn’t do the oonga-boonga all those years ago, so I think it’s ridiculous for people to have that stigma on us. It’s actually an honest living too and is just like any content creation job; you make bad content and you won’t get any subscribers/followers/buyers. You make good content and stay consistent and sure, it might be slow at first, but you will definitely see results eventually. People’s perception of us is one of those things that I hope to see improved in the future as being in this industry is virtually the same as being a Youtuber.

Where do you hope to see yourself in ten years?

Probably retired, a mother nursing her child and quietly living out her 40s. Yes, I just turned 30 this year, and as much as I do love the Adult Industry and how grateful I am for all that it’s given to me, I don’t think I can see myself working up until my 40s. I respect all the MILFs who grind it out at that age, but living in the Philippines and having went through all the hardships in my life just makes me want to live a quiet and peaceful life someday. 🙂

How do you determine or measure success?

I feel like that’s a general question as I view success in different ways; someone who’s successful in this industry would probably have several thousands of followers while being able to live off of their content. However, not everything in life is about money, and there’s also the different things that make up a person’s life such as their mental health and their general happiness and well-being that matter too. So someone who’s successful to me would have been financially successful while also managing all the other aspects of their life in a healthy way. It’s not easy to do, but it’s something worth striving for.

What is the silliest moment you’ve ever had on a live cam or piece of content you’ve created?

I made a bloopers video before where I showed all of the oopsies moments while making all my content. The one that stood out the most for me was when I set up my tripods outside for a “swimsuit” style video where I played with water, and all of the tripods almost fell and got wet because of how awkward it was to set it all up. Thankfully those same tripods are still in use to this day. 😛

What do you like to do for fun and enrichment when you aren’t working?

This one’s a no-brainer for me; it’s either going outside and just enjoying nature and the present moment.. or playing video games. All of my experiences have taught me to appreciate the little things in life and how precious every moment is; each day is a gift and not a given right. All of it could be taken away from us at any time, so just going out and seeing how pretty (and strange) life can be is very therapeutic for me. That and playing a fun video games, pew pew. :3

How do you balance your work and personal life to avoid burnout? And if you’ve experienced burnout in this industry what steps did you take to combat it?

Burnout is probably my most common enemy at work. Not having a boss and managing your own time may sound great, but it also entails a huge amount of responsibility with it. You don’t have anyone at work to tell you to do this or that; you ARE the boss so if you slack off too much you’ll notice it with your earnings. But if you work too hard you’ll notice your body and mind starting to give up on you. I feel like I’ve hit a decent balance with releasing one video per week, and a great way to combat burnout is by having extra content stored, ready for you to release in case things go wrong. And don’t be afraid to tell your followers if you can’t release something on a given day. They’ll understand; but you have to let them know though. Just vanishing on them gives them the signal that you’re not interested in them anymore and they might go to someone else. It’s tricky at first, and I admit that I still struggle with it even now, but you’ll get a rhythm that’s just right for you someday.. and once you do, don’t let it go. 🙂

What piece of advice can you give to someone who is just beginning their journey in the adult industry/on SinParty?

Just as I mentioned before, it’s all about content quality and consistency. But for someone who’s just starting out, I wouldn’t worry too much about the content quality just yet though. Do the best you can with what you currently have, then once you start earning you can re-invest in yourself and make even better quality content. And don’t make the mistake of spending your first earnings frivolously on random stuff; I’ve made that mistake before and it kinda haunts me to this day. Just remember those two things and you’ll be on your way. 😀

If you had to live your life over again, is there anything you would change?

Probably not. I can’t imagine anyone my age not having any regrets, but in hindsight, I did the best I could given the circumstances, and I think a lot of other people did too. Maybe I would have taken care of my money a little better during my early 20s and been a bit more careful with who I met, but I was young and naive. Youth is usually wasted on the youth, but that’s what age gives us: experience. And with experience comes wisdom and with wisdom comes better decisions in life. 🙂

What do you consider to be your greatest strength?

My drive and perseverance. Once I set my mind on something, I don’t let go, no matter how difficult it gets. I always believed that greatness doesn’t happen because of luck; it happens because of hard work, consistency, dedication and passion for what you do.

What major problems have you encountered in this industry and what lessons have you learnt from them?

There are alot of issues that I encountered in my journey but the ones that stand out the most for me are the consent issues and bothersome followers. I’ve made some content with a few guys in the past but I still can’t release them to this day because I don’t have a picture of them looking at the camera with their IDs held up to their heads. All I could get from them was a picture of their IDs and a consent letter, and trust me, even that was difficult to obtain. I understand that consent is an important thing in the industry that’s done to protect minors and those who don’t want to be featured at all. But sometimes we content creators have to go through too many hoops just to get a co-star verified, and I think that needs to be fixed. Getting a guy to agree to co-star in an adult film isn’t too hard if they don’t mind, especially if their faces will be blurred out.. but getting them to stand up in front of a camera with their ID beside their head? And getting them to talk on video confirming their details… yeah that’s gonna be a little hard. I’ve learned that most guys value their privacy, so I think the industry needs to be a little lenient with us on that. I think an ID and a consent letter with their signature is enough, but hey, I’m not a lawyer. 😛 And when it comes to bothersome followers, you can just block them.. but some get a little obsessive and that can be a problem. Plus it’s not pleasant when you’re also trying to juggle your own mental health. I also think that the industry should give us more ways to protect us from possible troublemakers in the future. I guess in the end the biggest lesson I learned from all these issues is this: taking care of my mental health should be top priority, and it should be yours too. This kind of work can be exhausting and can make you think crazy things.. always have a therapist, friends or family on hand or use some of the available resources on the internet that offer help to people that work in the Adult industry.

What personal characteristics do you think are necessary for succeeding in this industry?

Drive, determination, perseverance and consistency, passion and a keen sense in business management and marketing. You can make the greatest content in the world but no one’s going to notice if you don’t know how to promote it or manage your content and your fans properly.

If you could be any fruit, what would it be and why?

I think I’d want to be a mango… no deep and profound reason, really. I just think they’re kinda pretty to look at, are very sweet and most importantly, they blend very well with my nightly oat bran porridge. 😛

How do you find inspiration for your creative process? 

My father is a writer and I used to write small books for him when I was in my early 20s for extra cash… so that experience helped me in thinking of content that I make, which you can see in my work. I also think that just looking at other people’s work can help inspire you with fresh new ideas too. Everyone has their own unique creative process, and its important for you to find your own. 🙂

Did you have a role model growing up and are they still your role model?

Lady Gaga used to be my role model when I was growing up. She inspired me to believe in myself when no one else told me that I should, and that kind of carried over to my adult years. The Philippines, especially in the early 2000s did not accept transgender women too well, so I looked to her for inspiration and courage. But now in my 30s, I look to our own congresswoman, Geraldine Roman, as my role model. She somehow survived living in the early Philippine 80s with a goal of becoming a transgender woman someday. Not only that, but she also became our first ever trans congresswoman in the Philippines. Talk about breaking barriers. 😮

How did you get into adult content/live camming?

When I first did the transition, finding employment was hard. Like, really hard. Finding employment in general here in the Philippines can be rough. It’s even tougher for a transgender woman. I didn’t have a fancy degree since tuition fees here are ridiculous and put thousands of students into years worth of debt, so my options were severely limited. I also didn’t have any money to start a small business… Then one of my friends recommended trying Adult content. I had nothing else to lose at that point so I dove into it. It worked out in the end and now here I am. 😛

What motivates you to put forth your best?

My dream of someday being able to retire, financially free and abundant, quietly living out my life in peace. I also want to start a charity someday that helps out street dogs and poor children here in my neighborhood since that’s a cause that’s close to my heart. I know that every video I make gets me closer and closer to that dream.

How do you think a friend would describe you?

I guess they would say I’m very reclusive and mysterious but independent, smart and very quirky. I think. 😛 I’m not sure how they view me haha.

What are you excited about?

The future! I have plenty of plans on revamping my entire portfolio of content in the coming months and I’m excited to see all of the new fans and followers I’ll meet as I keep going on this journey.

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?

My name is Danica, and I’m a transgender woman who was raised in the suburbs of the Philippines. I’ve generally had to contend with a harsh childhood where scarcity and a lack of guidance from proper authority figures was the norm for me. However, it’s taught me alot of lessons in life and has made me adaptable in my adult years.

What was the last film, book, podcast that is industry related you consumed and what were your thoughts on it and how the overall industry and sexwork was portrayed? 

Uhhh… I don’t really watch films or read books or even listen to podcasts a lot since I’m very reclusive. :’D I only watch videos about old video games and psychology and trauma management. I live under a rock, sadly. 😛 I’m one of those people who pay no attention to what’s happening around me and just work, work, work and play when I have spare time, for better or for worse.

If you identify as a sexworker, what does being a sexworker mean to you?

It means being able to show people that sex itself isn’t a bad thing. It’s something that’s totally natural and people shouldn’t be afraid of it. Sure, I agree that people should practice safe sex at all times. But I think that censors go too far in how they portray the Adult Industry as a whole. People oftentimes have a difficult time achieving the right balance, and I think that’s how everyone should view the Adult Industry: with a balanced viewpoint.

What does your aftercare and post filming/live streaming routine look like?

Putting away all of the equipment, going downstairs and making me a warm bowl of mango infused oat bran just before laying in bed and having a deep sleep. :3

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