How to do a dick rating – your complete guide
As a creator on SinParty, you’re likely to get asked to do a dick rating. It might be something you’re familiar with, or have never tried to do before. We’ve got all the pointers you need to up your dick rating game.
Telling a man how much you love or hate his penis is a good way to make fast cash on SinParty. The transaction is pretty simple – you agree on the price your partygoer is going to pay, they send it to you as a tip, and you send their penis rating.
That sounds simple enough, but what the hell do you actually say? We’ve got your covered! With this blog, we’re going to explain:
- What a dick rating is
- Why men like to have their dick rated
- How to do a good dick rating that will increase your income
What is a dick rating?
A dick rating is where a sex worker tells a man exactly what she thinks about his penis. It usually comes in the form of a rating out of ten plus a critique based on a range of characteristics. We’ll get into what to talk about a little later.
You know all those dick pics that land in your inbox, whether you like them or not? A dick rating is a great way to handle them. It’s a legitimate service that you can charge for and will either deter unsolicited pictures of appendages or make you bank.
It’s a reasonably new phenomenon that seems to have been driven by the internet. There are whole subreddits dedicated to men posting cock shots and asking the community for an opinion.
Is it any wonder that sex workers have monetized this desire to be rated? They’ve seen more dick than most and are upfront and open about sex, what they like, and are great and understanding what their clients want, too.
When a man pays money for a dick rating, it’s important to understand what he’s actually looking for.
Why do men like to get a dick rating?
With the advent of porn on demand, all day every day if we so wish, can you blame men for wanting to compare? The first images of a dick that most men, and women to be fair, get is a long, hard dick that can fuck for hours and make any woman scream and squirt.
It’s easy to understand that men can get insecure about their junk, just like women and non-binary folk can feel they have a lot of expectations to live up to. It’s all a part of toxic masculinity, that we’ve not time to rant about here.

Anyways, men don’t have many places to turn for reassurance that their penis is normal. Women go to brunches and talk about boob jobs and how their vaginas look. When was the last time you heard a guy say to his beer buddies, “I’ve some great veins running up my cock”?
Getting an independent opinion on their pecker is a good way to be reassured that they’re within the realms of normal, whatever normal means. Having a sex worker tell them that their dick is satisfying gives that extra boost, since you know they’ve seen enough dick to make a good comparison.
Then, of course there’s the fetish called small penis humiliation, or SPH, which is a whole niche in itself. Let’s look at how to cater for it, and other types of dick rating.
How do I do a dick rating?
A dick rating means you tell a man what you think about his penis in terms or size, shape, and overall look. The cock rating will normally come with a mark out of ten and possibly a comment about what you’d like to do with it or to it.
The characteristics that you need to be commenting on are:
- Length
- Girth – how wide or fat it is
- Grooming like well trimmed pubes
- Veining
- Balls, such as their size and shape
Delivery is important here, too. When you do your dick rating, you have different options that will all come with an increase in price. From lowest price first, here are your options:
- Written message
- Voice note
- Video wearing lingerie
- Nude video
- A video wearing fetish clothes
There are three different types of dick rating that you’ll get asked for. Be sure to ask your buyer which one they want so that you meet their needs – if they like you, they’ll likely keep tipping and buying your content.
Small penis humiliation (SPH)
Small penis humiliation is a fetish where men like to have their dick berated, judged, and criticised for its diminutive size. It doesn’t necessarily matter if their dick is average, or even large, some men get off on being told their dick is small and unsatisfying.

Using humiliating language like:
- Tiny
- Worthless
- Disgusting
- Ugly
- Wouldn’t ride it if you paid me
- Baby dick
- Baby carrot
- Looks like you never went through puberty
Is what a person into this type of dick rating is looking for. You might feel uncomfortable, but if they’ve asked to be humiliated based on size, this is what they want to hear.
Penis worship
On the absolute other end of the scale is the penis worship rating. Some men really want their ego stroked, even though they’re the one stroking their own dick, and want you tell them how wonderful their penis is.
Some ideas you can work with include:
- It’s a thing of beauty
- I’ve never seen a dick so majestic
- Well, that’s a very pretty dick
- I’d love to ride it all day long
- The veins are super sexy
Honest penis rating
Most men tend to go for the honest rating option. If they have a micro-penis, they’ll know about it so you don’t need to skirt around the issue. Look at all the factors we noted above and give a couple of sentences on each.
Your buyers are going to appreciate you being creative. Try not to repeat words – turn to a thesaurus if you want to mix it up.
How to do a dick rating
Doing dick ratings can be a way to make extra cash without having to do too much performance. Always be sure that you ask what type of rating your partygoer is looking for and only agree to requests that you’re comfortable with.
It’s perfectly possible that once you deliver your dick rating, you may be asked for a sexting session. Be sure to have your SinParty tips menu at hand so they know the prices for your extras.
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